Deep in the heartland of America, before recorded history, a tribe of Peoples foretold the coming of a being of infinite power who would pose a tremendous threat to the entire world. For generations, the tribe began a secret program that combined mysticism with controlled breeding in an effort to produce one perfect warrior who would act as their protector--
Too bad no one asked Thomas Fireheart for his opinion.
As a young man, Fireheart abandoned his lifelong course of rigorous training, rejecting the legend of the Ultimate Threat. Instead, he enrolled in the US Army, hoping they would take him far away from his destiny.
But destiny has an odd habit of catching up with you. Fireheart excelled in the Army and was quickly sequestered away, given a special top-secret assignment as a one-man operations team under the leadership, expertise, and special hi-tech wizardry of the Last Baron. After a series of successful missions, the true purpose of the assignment was revealed. This was Project: Rebirth! Fireheart would be the US government's officially-sanctioned operative, Captain America! When the Baron gave Fireheart the ionic energy-fueled Liberty's Torch, it dawned on him-- all he did was trade one destiny for another.
It was too late to back out by then, however. The US was under threat by alternate-reality terrorists, the Invaders-- breaching dimensional gates to bring their own brand of Nazoviet Imperialism. Captain America had to battle their operatives: Nomad, the Winter Sanction, U-Mariner, and die Roboter-Fackel and Stier. This was the first time he would be approached by the Puma totem, and the first time he would embrace it and its will for him. He was transformed into a humanoid-puma form with remarkable superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes.
But he kept his true visage hidden beneath Captain America's cowl. He never felt at home in the Army, but feared to return home. Caught between two destinies, he feared both, and thus never got around to addressing, or fleeing, from either.
His choice may have been made for him. The crazed scientific spy Yellowjacket nearly took over the entire US Army with small, "nano-hive" mind control devices. Inadvertently, however, this same hive-mind led a general to bring in the Avengers in order to stop any threat against Yellowjacket-- a threat that included Project: Rebirth. Captain America convinced the Avengers he wasn't the threat, and Yellowjacket was defeated. Project: Rebirth was in ruins, however, and Fireheart chose to use that moment to sever all ties with the US government. Captain America was now a rogue agent, but the government couldn't do anything about it without admitting to their own shadow operations.
With all the internal strife among the Avengers, however, it would seem the team would not last. Fireheart saw it as an opportunity-- he'd keep the Avengers together as an assemblage of all of Earth's Mightiest Heroes! But he never revealed his true secret-- that if the Avengers truly fulfilled their purpose, Fireheart himself wouldn't be needed as a protector for anyone, and he could finally rid himself of an unwanted destiny.
The truth came out, as it usually does. The Avengers fought back not one but two god-like races that wanted to battle over earth. The Puma totem had to intervene, and Fireheart had to admit to his reasons for keeping the Avengers together. Well, THEY might be together, but they just couldn't see keeping Cap with them again. Fireheart was left with the only resource that he never wanted in the first place-- just himself, with a lot of empty destinies.
Which is unfortunate. Because of course that was precisely when the Ultimate Threat revealed itself...
It was the Elder God, Set, an ancient being whose very presence could bring chaos, insanity. His cult, the Sons of the Serpent, steadily infiltrated and subverted Fireheart's tribe, led by the Serpent's priestess, the Scarlet Witch. When he arrived, it was too late. Now he had no tribe, no Army, no Avengers. All he had ... was himself. Good thing destiny hasn't chosen wrong.
But now? With no destiny to guide him (or to run away from), Fireheart must come to terms with being a hero of his own definition...
I love this concept ever since it got revealed. This is the kind of characters that Marvel should be tapping for Exiles and alternate universes.
If by some amazing happenstance I am allowed to write at Marvel, consider it an almost necessity to come back and ask to use your Cap on my team.
Posted by: Justin | February 04, 2009 at 05:16 AM
LOL. Thanks!
As for Exiles and alternate universes, that reminds me I had a LOOOOONG time ago came up with the idea for an Invaders series that was basically what the Exiles were. You know, "Invaders" as invading all the alternate dimensions 'n stuff... Darn that Judd Winick, always stealing my ideas.
Posted by: ozbot | February 04, 2009 at 06:11 PM
I feel the pain. I literally can go through the current roster of X-Men that were created as the "new" kind, and point out all the ones that are so spot on similar to mine that it makes me wish I had never sent in my ideas with my resume.
Posted by: Justin | February 05, 2009 at 06:10 AM