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    Originally the home of a two-year long fanfic experiment-- where villains are the heroes and heroes are the villains-- now I sketch and blog all about Marvel Villains and other comics-type stuff. If you've come for pie, though, I'm sorry. We're all out. Email me at onceuponatokyo gmail.com


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February 02, 2009



I love this concept ever since it got revealed. This is the kind of characters that Marvel should be tapping for Exiles and alternate universes.

If by some amazing happenstance I am allowed to write at Marvel, consider it an almost necessity to come back and ask to use your Cap on my team.


LOL. Thanks!

As for Exiles and alternate universes, that reminds me I had a LOOOOONG time ago came up with the idea for an Invaders series that was basically what the Exiles were. You know, "Invaders" as invading all the alternate dimensions 'n stuff... Darn that Judd Winick, always stealing my ideas.


I feel the pain. I literally can go through the current roster of X-Men that were created as the "new" kind, and point out all the ones that are so spot on similar to mine that it makes me wish I had never sent in my ideas with my resume.

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