Bad Boys!
We interrupt my musings on the Falcon for some Friday Night Fights! Apparently, Galactus wasn't big enough to win. Hmm. How about some 70s' smackdown featuring a cosmic being in short shorts?
Korvac the Enemy vs. the Avengers
Korvac "the Enemy" has a generic supervillain codename, a shirt tucked into his gym shorts, and phenomenal cosmic power. The Guardians of the Galaxy get the Avengers to help them track him down to where he's settled in with his girlfriend in a nice suburban home, and the fireworks ensue. But don't worry. Even though he pretty much kills everyone, in so doing he disappoints his girlfriend, and so he commits suicide and makes everything better.
Here's how it all goes down! (For those participating!)
* Take a look at all of Fights participants, hosted by!
Before Sunday at 11PM (EST), cast your vote for the best Friday Night
Fights by posting a comment there! Voting is encouraged and will be
to all visitors and participants.
* The winner of the round will
be posted there on the following Tuesday with the Pre-Fight Rules for
next time!