NATION X: X-FACTOR #1, Cover by Christian MacNeven, on sale Jan. 6.
Artists and editors, meet me at camera three. I'd just like to point out that, although it may look pretty, having "fully-rendered" or "painterly" covers does not automatically make it a "good" cover.
The eye-lines of the cover guide the viewer directly horizontal and vertical. Boring. There's no asymmetry or golden ratio. The colors are overall muted and blended together. Rather than lend a gloomy tone, it becomes a general mish-mash and is ultimately dismissible. Especially so with the blurring of feet and background-- there's no way to distinguish the characters and therefore the drama. When the focal point of the cover is instead the lighted area of some generically dilapidated building in the background, you have a problem.
And does Multiple Man's powers include size-changing Pym particles now? Because, right now he's Out-of-Proportion Man or something. Blah.