Hmm. I really wanted to make this Astonishing X-Men cover the worst, but I guess that would be just because I think it's embarrassing to be caught reading it in public. It seems one of those ideas that works better as a private joke or simply a feature on a DeviantArt site and the feature cover for on one of Marvel's flagship titles. That, and I have always thought yellow to be a terrible choice for a comic cover.
But instead I give the award to Shadowland: Power Man #2. The problem here is a matter of perspective. While the actual figure of the new Power Man seems just fine, the figure of Luke Cage is all kinds of disproportionate. That, coupled with the unfortunately tangled staging of the two combined, makes the cover too muddled to be effective. It's distracting how the piece confuses the eye more than guides it, and this is coupled with the fact that it's too centered with no playing with dead/negative space. I'd add to the fact that the new Power Man 's color scheme isn't great, with the colors of his costume too similar to his glowing skin-slash-power display. Instead, why not go with complimenting or contrasting colors-- anything to avoid the visual confusion! Sorry Mike Perkins! You definitely deserve better than the Worst, but there's just too many issues.