It's the Villains of Summer!
What's His Deal? There's a lot of sun-themed villains, but named after the a serious sun-related health risk! This guy was a human test subject to the alien Dominus, but that's all we know about him. His powers are to absorb solar energy and then generate light offensively. And flight, of course. I always liked his costume, too, which was very retro and also very sleek and modern. His teammates were perhaps not so memorable, but they had a kind of quirky coolness that kind of worked. I'm talking, of course, of Cactus, Gila, and Butte. This was how I learned that Butte was pronounced "Bee-yoot" and not, well, you know.
What Should He Do? Sunstroke doesn't have much cred on his own, but he would be just fine for a simple one-off villain that needs to rob a bank or two. And that would be fine for a simple tussle with Spider-Man (or even Spider-Girl!) Since this guy is also a West Coaster, he's all set to throw down with Moon Knight nowadays (Moon vs. sun, get it?). And even though he's been more of a lackey than a solo guy, maybe it's time for all of Dominus' former minions to take the name "Dominus" for themselves, and make a go at some petty crimes. There's enough comedy in these cheesy folks to feature in a Deadpool comic, though I fear for their survival. And they better not try those crimes anywhere near the Punisher, but that might be comedy in a different way.
Thanks for the summer inspiration, Sunstroke!
Art from West Coast Avengers #17 (1987) by Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott