more Marvel French!
Today's lesson: Ecstacy.
Her deal, in case you can't tell by her nom de guerre and long flowing cape-like accoutrement, is that she was a drug-runner, Euro-style, who ran afoul of Cloak and Dagger. She actually managed to steal Cloak's power, which is to appear like a cloak. (Actually, he is a living gateway to a dimension of darkness and fear, but for some reason it appears like a cloak. Seriously, he wasn't wearing a cloak when he had an origin, right? So, cloak-power.)
I always thought Cloak and Dagger as a misnomer, and since I really enjoy spy fiction, had always wished that the names belonged to, well, spies. Super spies. I suppose it's unique enough to allow them to have their own niche as street-level heroes, but they are so tied to the time of their origin, when the U.S. was pulling no punches on their "War on Drugs." So, yeah. War on drugs. Whatever happened to that, right? Same question could be said, then, of Cloak and Dagger.
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