My Christmas wish for the Fantastic Four is to have a truly extended family.
Don't you always feel that the Fantastic Four have so much potential? Don't you feel that its prestige as being the formation of the Marvel universe should lend it a high standard?
One of the indicators that a comic book property is "important" is how much it affects the entire imprint. Currently, the Avengers seem to be driving the product line for Marvel, with New, The, Academy, Prime, and et cetera. At one point, you could have even added Mighty and Dark to the list. Over the years, you could see other trends, such as the whole reign of the X-Men, and another time a brief sergeancy of Ghost Rider/Midnight Sons.
But what about the Fantastic Four?
I'm not saying that you have to make MORE titles. There was a time, of course, that there was Fantastic Force and FF Unplugged or what have you, but that didn't really work out, you see, and of course pretty much every solo title was branching out like that at the time, too. But what you CAN do is to make sure that the FF live up to its full potential.
One of the FF's greatest strength might also be its greatest weakness-- it's got a strong central premise/theme as "family," or even "first family." It helps solidify the property, its characters, its signature brand. It is a clear idea that many story hooks, both personal and adventurous, can hang on. But it also keeps the book locked into certain patterns, locked into keeping characters around, and threatens staleness and "been there, done that" apathy.
But "family" is so much more than just immediate family. Why not "extended family?" You could expand the focus of characters, subplots, supporting cast, even locations and setting, while never forsaking its central theme. You could have the "Four" truly being a group of adventurers and heroes-- featuring the Thing and the Human Torch but allowing for new members to round them out. Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman could still be involved in the "other" focuses of the book, for example, proactive laboratory work and charity. There are the lives of the kids, and we could even make grandpa Nathaniel Richards a regular.
By point of comparison, look at the X-Men. There may be a central cast of characters, but there are appearances, even featured appearances, of dozens and dozens of mutants in the issues.
There is so much of the Marvel Universe that is truly of the Fantastic Four, so it would be with a sense of wonder and majesty that they truly take over the Marvel line like they should!
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