Did you think yesterday's post was the most unique wall-related character in Marvel? Oh, no! Ahem. <Yoda speak> "There is another. </Yoda speak>
Behold-- THE WALL!
Gunther Gross was a political activist in Berlin, Germany. When part of the, well, the Wall fell on him, his mutant powers kicked in and he became like unto a wall himself!
Hey, wait a minute. This was the Wall's origin from Spidey Super Stories #8! Perhaps they are strange alternate universe versions of one another? Hey, wait another minute. Did I tell you *my* last name is Wall? Maybe I can turn into a wall, too! All I need is to be buried under a collapsed brick structure of some kind to find out.
By the way, the Wall here was a member of Euro-Trash, who were hired to forcibly take back the European celebrity Henrietta from her new team of X-Statix. It was all very meta-commentary-y and completely entertaining. Until the Wall got blasted by the acid from the Anarchist. But when a political activist who is the embodiment of a political structure goes up against the self-professed nihilism of a guy literally named Anarchist, what did you expect?
From X-Statix #13 (2003) by Peter Milligan and Mike Allred
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